I've been quiet on this blog for a few weeks - a month, more or less. Lots of things on the proverbial plate...
...and that's precisely the crux of the situation. For most of the past 30+ years, I've always looked at the plate as never large enough. I've always wanted more. This is spifferific if we're talking metaphores for living life to it's fullest.
Alas, we are not. Rather, we're talking food portion control. For most of those aforementioned 30 years, I have been "larger than life", "Rubens-esque"...overweight. Some people reading this may recognize the routine, substituting their own abused substance: I live; get depressed; eat any carbohydrate in sight; get sedantary and stop exercising; gain weight; feel I need to punish myself, so eat more; get sick and tired of being sick and tired; attempt behavior modification (Weight Watchers, go to the gym, etc); lose some weight; feel on top of the world; start to treat myself; becomes two treats; becomes larger treats; gain weight; get depressed; and, golly-gee!, we're back at Square Numero Uno.
Well, it's come to the point in my life that this monkey on my back (or the girth around my midsection, as the case may be) needs to be kicked and kicked far, far away, never to return. Therefore, I have elected to have lap-band surgery. All things going to plan, I should have this done in Melbourne in August. None too soon, if you ask me.
I am so looking forward to gaining this tool that will assist in keeping the weight at bay. So, you're on notice and forewarned that this blog may turn into, for a time, at least, a journal of this journey...of an extended, healthy and joyous lifetime.