I do so love the serendipity of the blogosphere. Having taken a day off from blogdom, I log in to find two postings by my good frend, Laura E Goodin. Not only do Laura and I share a middle initial, but a fairly well versed (read: obscure/unique) sense of humour. For whatever reason, her comment on my Friday posting fired just the right sequence of synapses to send my warped thought patterns to Canada, crica late 1970s-1984ish, and the wonderfully crafted Second City TV.
As for MHCT, the late night horror film show that never quite manages to book really scary films. Hosted by Count Floyd, aka Floyd Robertson, co-anchor of the SCTV News. He often gets 3D films, invariably starring those masters of the genre, Doctor Tongue (played by John Candy) and his sidekick Bruno (played by veteran character actor Woody Tobias Jr.).
Woody and Tongue also taught screen acting on Sunrise Semester; other important Dr Tongue and Woody Tobias Jr episodes include:
- Helping the Elephant Man during Pledge Week
- Repairing the SCTV satellite to block CCCP1
- Escaping Towering Inferno
- Woody Tobias directs 2009
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